Get Rid of Those Crusty Winter Lips with 2 DIY Lip Scrubs

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

It's been a cold winter for New Jersey. It snows almost every week, it's so cold, and my lips are going through it! My lips get so dry during the winter, they get crusty, and when I'm sick I get this icky film on them.. Who's with me? Chapstick and lip balm can only do so much.. here's 2 DIY Lip Scrubs to get rid of crusty lips.

1. Brown Sugar Scrub
-brown sugar
-coconut oil
1:1 ratio
(I used 1 tbsp of each)

2. Cinnamon Scrub
-Cinamon for flavor
1:1 ratio for sugar and honey and I just used a dash of cinnamon for taste.
This tastes amazing, I just ate off my lips because its THAT good.

You can use your finger or you can apply using a toothbrush with a soft bristle. Scrub for about a minute, wash off with water or wipe off with a washcloth.  Apply your favorite chapstick/lip balm

 Have fun with these recipes. Get little jars from your local craft store, tie a ribbon, add a gift tag and give these little babies as gifts. You can even add ingredients like pumpkin, rosemary, cinnamon.. the list goes on.  Experiment with items from your own pantry and leave a comment below to tell me what you came up with!

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