Tween Bedroom Makeover | Room Tour | Budget Friendly

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Our family recently moved into a three bedroom home, which means the kids get to have their own room! Well, sort off - at least Aaliyah, 11, who is the oldest gets to have her own room and the boys share a room. 

The crazy thing about this move is that we moved during the Covid-19 pandemic in the middle of March as stores were closing and people were rushing to the grocery stores. We moved back to our home state of NJ, one of the hardest hit states, which for us meant that stores were closed for months and we couldn't do much to our new home (as far as decorating).

Since we knew the kids were going to be in separate rooms and the second floor rooms in our new bungalow would be too small for bunk bed, we did away with the bunk-bed in Pittsburgh before we came back to NJ. We had no idea stores would be closed for as long as they were, if so we probably would have planned better so the kids mattresses didn't end up on the floor.

The first room on my list to give a makeover to was Aaliyah's room. Aaliyah is going into the 6th grade and is officially "too old" for the color pink and anything with unicorns. Aaliyah's wish list for this room was plants and pictures. That's literally all she asked for. Here is the before:


Here were a few goals during this makeover:

1. Get a bedframe
2. Desk
3. Re-do dresser
4. Decorate


Originally I had planned on getting the kids bed frames at Ikea but because they stayed closed for so long and shipping from Ikea is so expensive, we opted for Wayfair instead.

tween room, teenage bedroom makeover, bedroom makeover

Since we moved during quarantine, the kids began online learning so I wanted Aaliyah to have her own space to sit and be able to do her work.. comfortably. I decided to give my vanity to Aaliyah so she could use as a desk for her online classes and also use it as a dressing table.

tween room, teenage bedroom makeover, bedroom makeover, desk for girls,

Aaliyah has a dresser that had been waiting for me to paint since 2013 lol so I finally got this done! It got a fresh coat of paint, new knobs, and new pulls. What a difference!

tween room, teenage bedroom makeover, bedroom makeover

Time to Decorate!

tween room, teenage bedroom makeover, bedroom makeover

tween room, teenage bedroom makeover, bedroom makeover

tween room, teenage bedroom makeover, bedroom makeover

tween room, teenage bedroom makeover, bedroom makeover

tween room, teenage bedroom makeover, bedroom makeover

The Final Look

Aaliyah is so happy with how it turned out! It came out so cute. My favorite part is the selfie setup and the lights. What do you think?
Links listed below

tween room, teenage bedroom makeover, bedroom makeover

tween room, teenage bedroom makeover, bedroom makeover

tween room, teenage bedroom makeover, bedroom makeover

tween room, teenage bedroom makeover, bedroom makeover

tween room, teenage bedroom makeover, bedroom makeover

Room Decor: Black Bed Frame: Bedding: (only available in cream currently) Desk Plant: Desk Mirror: Desk Memo Board (Gold): Affordable Laptop: String Lights: Small Command Strips for String Lights: Ikea LILL sheer curtains: Mirror: Rug: Floor Plant: TV Lights: Smart Tv: Letter Memo Board: Echo Show: Nightstand/Coffee Tables:

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**Most links contain affiliate links in which I receive a small commission. This helps support the channel + blog and helps me as a creator to buy products and supplies to make more videos. Your support is greatly appreciated xo!

How I Painted My Vintage Dresser Without Sanding

Thursday, June 25, 2020

After having this dresser for SEVEN years, I am FINALLY giving this vintage dresser a makeover! The person who gave it to me several years ago said it was a few generations old so this makeover is long over do. 

If you are looking to re-do one of your own furniture pieces stick around because I'll be going over how what products I used to transform this beautiful vintage dresser!


The reason I’m not sanding this is because it’s too thick (I've tried to sand down a similar piece and I'm gonna pass this time around) Also, there's a lot of detail in the wood work and I don't have the tools (or patience lol) to sand down. 

Before I got started.. this dresser needed a SERIOUS cleaning. It had stickers all over it and a few coffee stains marker. So I scraped the stickers off and wiped it down with first with some all purpose spray and then rubbing alcohol.

You’ll notice a few of the original knobs and pulls are missing or broken, so as much as I didn’t want to.. I had to replace them. So before I got started painting, I removed all the hardware. There were also a few decorative pieces on the dresser which I was able to get off with a flathead. 


I used a paint and primer in one from Vaspar Signature. The color I used was Ultra White.
I started with very light coats with a brush until I got the finish I was looking for.

I started painting the dresser with a paint brush but I switched to a paint roller because I didn’t like the brush strokes. Plus I kept finding brush hairs in the paint..smh. I’m really happy I went with the paint roller because you can no longer see the brush strokes and the paint came over very smooth!

For a top coat, I used THIS clear water based finishing spray from Mini-Wax.


For knobs, I went with THESE brass knobs from Hobby Lobby. I really wanted that antique look so I gave them a "rough" coat of paint and wiped some of it off. I love the way they turned out! 

For pulls, I got lucky and found THESE four pulls (Hobby Lobby for the win again) that were already white but had a distressed look!

This is the finished look. I’m very happy with how it turned out. For my next video, I’m going to be sharing how the entire room turned out so be sure to subscribe and give this video a thumbs up. 

If you were to repaint this dresser - what color would you have made it? 

Subscribe here for more to see how the room comes together!

DIY VANITY MAKEOVER PART 2 | Fixing my white vanity that turned yellow

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Back in 2014, you guys seen me re-do THIS vanity! 

2014 | Before first revamp

Fast forward to 2020, I'm giving this vanity another makeover. I decided to give this vanity to my daughter so she can use it as a desk since online classes are a thing now due to Covid-19 but a few things had to happen before I gave it to her. The paint from the previous DIY turned yellow, the vanity chair had discolored, and to make this as a desk I had add a piece of wood to create a table top.

1. Fixing the Yellowing Paint

Because I didn't want to keep adding layers of paint, sanding was necessary.. at least on the top surface. Luckily my dad happen to have an electric sander I could use to make it easier. Maybe I shouldn't say luckily or easier because I made a mistake using this sander. You see, I've never used one before and while "testing" this sander out I didn't check to see what grit paper was already on there until it was too late. It was an 80 grit paper and it caused some scratches. I did my best to fix it by smoothing it out but a lesson was learned here.

For paint I choose a basic white paint from Vaspar Signature in Ultra White (the white paint you grab off the floor before they mix anything.)

After talking to the guy a Lowes I chose the Miniwax Water Based Finishing Spray Clear Semi Gloss. At first I made a mistake and grabbed an oil based finishing coat. The Lowes employee said you want to get a WATER based top coat since my paint was water based because if not it will turn yellow. It was at that moment that I realized 6 years ago I messed up!! The first time I gave this vanity a makeover I used an oil based primer, a water based paint, and a water based finishing coat which is why my vanity ended up turning yellow in certain areas. 

Hardware: I liked the original hardware but I didn’t like how the brass stood out against the white so I painted them and wiped a majority of the paint off to tone down the brassy look.

2. Fixing and Updating the Vanity Chair

Another problem I had was the chair. Although I thought this print was PERFECT since it was white and gray and it matched my daughters bedding, this also had discolored over the last six years. I really wanted to keep it but if you seen my video where I re-did this chair.. I didn’t take off the original fabric off. The original fabric has to be from the 60 or 70’s and because I didn’t take that fabric off it, anytime I would sit in my chair after a shower or it ended up getting wet, it caused whatever was on the original fabric to transfer to the newer fabric. I tried to soak it in some water with detergent for a few hours and it did not budge.

The search for a piece of fabric.. 

So now to find a piece of FABRIC in the middle of a pandemic where everyone is buying fabric to make masks or sell masks. . challenge accepted.

Walmart's fabric aisles were empty. I couldn’t go into Jo-Anns to get a good look at what they had due to them only offering curb-side. It was hard at first because I really don’t know much about fabric and it was just one of those things I wanted to see in person.

So I thought if I were to buy a vanity chair, what would the fabric be? I went to amazon looked up vanity chairs and one of first things I seen was.. velvet.. suede. I was like BINGO! THAT IS IT. I thought this was perfect because when looking for Aaliyah’s bedding, she really wanted soft furry-like bedding and the velvet just reminded me of that. So I was able to find a seller on Amazon that sold grey velvet.


In my last DIY Vanity video I decided to ditch the part that had a mirror. This was only because I knew I was going to be putting a larger mirror on the wall. Now I kinda wish I would have at least kept that piece because it would make the perfect desk for my daughter who since March 14 has been doing online classes due to Covid-19. 

To fix this I was able to find  a 3/4 inch piece of wood at Lowes and have my dad cut it to the exact size to fit this empty space. It was about $8 for a square piece of wood.

The only thing with this wood is that it was really rough around the edges and had gaps that were noticeable so I was able to find wood edging and ironed it on and painted over it. Smooth table top complete!

This vanity is now perfect for my daughter Aaliyah - she can use it not only ask a desk but also a place to do her nails and makeup as she gets older.

If you guys want to see how I re-do her dresser, Subscribe right here because my next video will be how I redo this dresser!

painting furniture pre teen room

How to Create Your 2020 Vision Board | Quick, Easy, NO Magazines!

Monday, December 30, 2019

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My goal when creating my 2020 vision board was to create a vision board that I actually wanted to look at every day. A vision board that wasn't big and bulky. A vision board that was easy to make with NO magazines or cutting involved.

5 Steps to Create a "Digital" Vision board:

1. Write down all of your goals for 2020.

Write down anything and everything you choose to manifest. You can use paper and pen, notepad on phone. I personally used Evernote.

2. Find Your Photos

Google and Pinterest are your best friend here. Choose photos that represent your goals and dreams. Make your life easy by creating a dedicated folder to save your images to. This way when it comes to uploading your photos there's no searching for a tons of pics in your downloads.


Time to create your vision board! You can use any program you're comfortable using. I use PicMonkey because I find it the most user friendly and easy to use. I uploaded each of my images and moved them around until I liked where there were. It should look like a collage of all your goals!

If you want to have more fun and go the traditional vision board route. Feel free to print the photos out, cut them, use scrap book paper, contact paper and have a ball! There's no right or wrong. A vision board should present you and your 2020 goals.

4. Print

Use a printer with colored ink so you can really see and envision the colors of your photos you choose. For example, I added a photo from Jamaica. Seeing that blue water every day makes me want to be there and help me see myself there.

5. Frame and put on your desk

Make it pretty. Something you want to see everyday. Place it somewhere you'll always see it. Your nightstand, your desk, maybe a wall closest to your bed. Totally optional you can always use a thumb tact and stick there or you can check out Amazon for a frame of your choice.

2020 Vision Board,Vision Board,vision board 2020,vision board law of attraction,erin on demand vision board,2020 Goals,Christina Sciblo,vision board visualization,virtual vision board,digital vision board,cute vision board, not your average vision board, vision board example, how to make a vision board, how to manifest, vision board diy, vision board ideas, goals for 2020, girl boss vision board, entrepreneur motivation


What I used to create a 2020 Vision Board: Evernote: PicMonkey: 8x10 Frame: What I’m wearing: Red Lipstick: Red Sweater: Behind the Channel - Christina Sciblo: I’m Christina - a Social Media Manager, YouTuber and Mom of 3. Back in 2018, I quit my full time retail management job to go full time on YouTube and let’s say entrepreneurship has been an interesting yet ROUGH journey. I have turned my YouTube channel into what used to be a beauty channel, to a channel that shares the life of Entrepreneurship.. to show the failures, struggles, and success. Currently, I’m a Social Media Manager for a club in Atlantic City and I’ve created a second channel called “The Piercing Outlet." I'm still hustling to make ends meet and I'm putting all my life lessons here on the table on this channel so please subscribe to join me on journey! *Links contain affiliate links

Spring Cleaning With Mrs. Meyer's Spring Scents! LIMITED EDITION

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Refresh Your Home With Mrs. Meyer's Spring Scents

mrs. meyer's spring scents free, mrs. meyers deal, mrs. meyer's peony, grove collaborative mrs. meyer's

As I've gotten get older (and busier), I’ve learned that spring cleaning doesn't have to to be a huge, time-consuming affair in order to be effective.
Even if you don’t have time for a deep clean, something as simple as throwing open the windows or wiping down the countertops with a spring-scented cleaner can breathe new life into a tired space.
To help you refresh your home, my friends at Grove Collaborative are offering a free spring cleaning set with your first order of $20:
  • Mrs. Meyer’s Spring hand soap
  • Mrs. Meyer’s Spring dish soap
  • Mrs. Meyer’s Spring multi-surface spray
  • Grove Collaborative bubble-up brush
  • Grove Collaborative walnut scrubber sponges
Existing customers will receive free Grove walnut scrubber sponges — they’re sustainably made and perfect for all your spring cleaning tasks!
After a dreary winter, I always look forward to the return of spring and Mrs. Meyer’s spring scents: Mint, Peony, and Lilac. Mint smells just like the real thing — sweet and cool. Peony and Lilac are subtle floral scents that remind me of a spring garden in bloom.
To me, a clean home begins with the products you use — so I’m always looking for ways to eliminate toxins in my cleaning routine. All of Mrs. Meyer’s products are made with plant-derived ingredients and essential oils, so I can feel good using them around my family.
In addition to Mrs. Meyer’s soaps and multi-surface spray, the spring cleaning set comes with a limited edition Grove Collaborative bubble-up brush with a beautiful wildflower print. Not only does it look beautiful sitting next to my sink, it also makes the task of doing dishes much more enjoyable!
Now that sunny days are in the forecast, I’m all for anything that helps me get things done faster and have more time to work in my garden or go for a walk.
That’s where Grove Collaborative comes in! Grove makes creating a healthy, beautiful home effortless and affordable. They hand-select the best natural products and deliver them (carbon offset) right to your doorstep, on your schedule. Grove has you covered for all your spring cleaning needs.
After your first order, Grove will recommend a personalized monthly shipment so you never run out of the products you love. You can add or remove products or change your shipment schedule with a few clicks.
When you sign up for Grove using my link, you’ll get the spring cleaning set for free with your first order of $20. Plus, if you spend at least $39, you’ll receive a beautiful stoneware tray for free! It’s the perfect size to hold your hand soap, dish soap, and bubble-up brush.
Once you’ve submitted your Grove order, you’ll be signed up for the free 60 day VIP trial.  I love being a VIP because I get perks like free shipping, free gifts, price matching, exclusive sales and personal service.
This offer ends as supplies last and Mrs. Meyer’s seasonal scents always sell out fast, so don’t wait! Here’s how to get your free spring set:
Sign up for Grove Collaborative here. You will receive: Mrs. Meyer's Hand Soap, Mrs. Meyer's Dish Soap, Mrs. Meyer's Multi-Surface Spray, Grove Bubble Up, Grove Walnut Scrubber Sponges, Free Shipping &VIP Trial for free when you sign up
    To receive this offer, your order needs to be a minimum of $20. Choose the combination of products and scents you love and receive your first box within a few days
      You made it! Click Finish & Pay and place your order. 

      mrs. meyer's spring scents free, mrs. meyers deal, mrs. meyer's peony, grove collaborative mrs. meyer's

      HOW TO SCORE ON FB MARKETPLACE! Facebook Marketplace Finds

      Thursday, July 26, 2018

      scandinavian furniture, mid century furniture, diy desk,
      If you haven't checked FB Marketplace lately, you're missing out because there's plenty of hidden gems on there. I love to do DIY projects and transform old pieces into something beautiful once again, but true to my personal style.

      Recently I've been going through Pinterest, specifically searching Scandinavian Living Rooms and Bedrooms and I've been in love with this simplistic modern style. The first thing I think when I see the furniture pieces on these boards is I can find that on FB! This popular mid century style often features items from the 60's, which happens to be furniture people love to just give a way on FB Marketplace. You can even find for free sometimes!

      Recently, I've been desperately needing a workspace because let's be honest, how much work do you actually get done on your living room couch with your laptop? Naturally I went to Pinterest to find some inspo to get ideas of a dream workspace. Once I had an idea of what I was looking for I headed over to Facebook Marketplace and I couldn't believe how many desks I found that had great potential for a future desk. Honestly there were a lot of desks that didn't even need work!

      diy desk, metal desk, tanker desk, wicker chair, mid century, rustic furniture, scandinavian desk, facebook marketplace

      I found a metal desk, similar to an old teachers desk and the seller was quick to respond. I was able to score this desk for only $20! I knew right away I wanted to detail the poles and handles in gold spray paint which I already had at home. The desk did have quite a bit of rust as you can see in the video below, but nothing sandpaper can't fix. I ended up repainting in black which resulted in an overall easy DIY project. I just need to invest in a power drill lol.

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      How can you find items on FB Marketplace? The key is to know what you're searching for. Do you have an idea as to what you're looking for? Do you have a specific style you're searching for? Does the item have multiple terms it could be known by? 

      For example, I'm currently looking to turn my whole living room into the Mid Century theme but I didn't even know what Mid Century was first until I had started searching for buffets and sideboards. I found an item that a seller had listed as Mid Century and it was a golden search term! Expensive term too.. a lot of items under this search term are expensive so I had to think what if I was a seller who also didn't know what mid century was? What would I list it under? 60's Furniture. This is what I've been doing (reverse engineering) and have finding multiple beautiful pieces. I'm still searching for the "perfect" one that's long enough for a 60 inch tv. 

      For the Mid Century/Simplistic theme I've been searching for on FB Marketplace..
      Rattan Furn
      Cane Furniture
      Mid Century
      Buffet Tables

      Here's a gorgeous wicker chair I found for my desk that completes the theme I was going for my desk. 

      facebook diy, wicker chairs

      Everyday I look for items I can add and save it to my collections. With FB you do have to move fast if you want it though, chances are if you love it.. someone else does to so move quickly! Obviously every one's area will be different but that's what makes this so much fun. Can't wait to see what you find! Tag me: @christinasciblo on IG

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      Saturday, July 21, 2018

      CryoSkin 2.0, CryoSlimming, CryoTonning, Cryo Skin, how to lose belly fat, how to lose back fat, how to lose inches

      One inch off my waist in 28 minutes? Yes, it's possible! Let me tell you about my Cryo experience. 
      Also check out the YouTube video below to watch how it went!


      CryoSkin is the easiest, painless procedure I've ever tried. CryoSkin uses a wand to apply sub-zero temperatures to an area of the body you would like to lose fat and actually DESTROYS the fat cells. There's many parts of the body it can be used.. like to get rid of the fat around your bra area, hips to get rid of love handles (that's what I did), belly, legs, and the list goes on. Any area a person wants to lose fat, this machine has your back (literally)! Double chin? CryoSkin got you. 

      CryoSkin gets rid of that fat cells naturally through the body's lymphatic system which essentially means the fat cells are urinated out. No worries though, you most likely won't even notice. 


      lose belly fat, how to lose inches off your waist, cryoskin2.0, cryoskin, cryoslimming,

      The Cryo tech uses a special wand that first applies 4 minutes of heat to the targeted area and then 24 minutes of cold at 17 degrees F. CryoSlimming uses thermoelectric cooling to freeze the fat to destroy the fat tissue. 

       I didn't experience any extreme discomfort. It was cold but not freezing to the point I was shivering and that particular area felt numb but I didn't feel any type of pain in anyway. It was actually relaxing as you can see in the video below.  


      Once the procedure was done the tech immediately measured to see my results. We focused on my hips more in my back area. I wanted to do that area because that's where I gained a lot of weight after having my three children. I instantly lost one inch after the 28 minutes of Cryo! The tech at BlinkStudio where I did my Cryo procedure said that she had one client who had 3 inches after the CryoSlimming procedure. Each person will have unique results.


      The CryoSkin 2.0 machine also does what's called CryoToning, which helps with the appearance of cellulite and fine lines. It can be used for the face or any part of the body. I decided to do the back of my legs since I do have cellulite. 

      The results were actually surprising. I'm not gonna lie.. I'm usually pretty skeptical when it comes to things claiming to reduce cellulite but the pictures don't lie. You can see how the indentations right below the booty are more subtle and the lower half is more smooth in texture after the CryoTonning.

      cryo toning, cryotoning, cryotonning, cryoskin2.0, how to get rid of cellulite, how to get rid of fine lines, how to tone your body,


      Overall it was a pleasant experience that I would totally do again. I would like to continue on my hips and eventually move on to my belly since those are my main problem areas. For CryoTonning, I want to try my face since my smile lines are becoming more defined. 

      I love how the Cryo procedure was quick and I didn't have to sit there for hours to get the results I was looking for. I was surprised I could immediately feel the difference in my sides and wearing jeans!

      Do you have any problem areas you would like to try Cryo on?

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